Chance The Rapper Tells A Chicago Paper To ‘Get The F**k Back’ In Response To A Critical Editorial

On Wednesday, Mary Mitchell, a columnist and editorial board member for the Chicago Sun-Times ran a story titled, “Child-support spat could hurt Chance the Rapper’s image.” In the piece, Mitchell openly questions whether Chance’s ongoing custody hearings with the mother of his child could affect his “good guy” image. She cites recently released court papers to advance here theory.

Coming in the wake of Chance’s tremendous, $1,000,000 gift to Chicago Public Schools, Mitchell – who openly admits to have never heard a single piece of Chance’s music – questions whether his negotiations in court might undercut his positive image.

Right now, Chance looks like a hero in the ‘hood.
But child support is an emotionally charged issue that plays a big role in the high level of poverty in the black community.
If this personal issue is handled callously in the public, Chance the Rapper’s clean-cut image could take a big hit.
After all, you can’t hand out money to benefit children you don’t know and come off looking like you are being stingy when it comes to your own child.

Chance himself quickly caught wind of the story and posted a video to his Instagram alongside both his daughter and his daughter’s mother looking quite happy, while telling the Sun-Times to “get the f**k back.” The video was captioned, “Family Always.” Check it out for yourself above.