John Rocker Says ‘Survivor’ Is The Worst Thing He’s Ever Done

Former Atlanta Brave John Rocker joined CBS Boston’s Toucher & Rich radio show on Tuesday to discuss the new season of Survivor, in which he and his girlfriend Julie McGee are contestants. The radio hosts of course preferred to focus the beginning of the interview on Rocker’s infamous Sports Illustrated interview from 1999 in which Rocker used a number of slurs against minorities and gays, as well as his admitted steroid use. After about a minute, Rocker had had enough.

“Are we gonna do Survivor stuff, or are we just gonna do 6- or 7- or 8-year old stuff?”

Solid question, John. Toucher & Rich, your response?

“Well the way these interviews work is we do a little background, and then we do your plug.”

A solid counter-point.

John was no longer interested in talking about the past, however. So finally the hosts gave in and he was asked what his time was like on Survivor. Take it away, John.

“I can sum up by saying it’s the worst thing I’ve ever done.”

At that point, the interview ended, leaving the entire world wondering what he meant by that.

(Via CBS Boston)