We Found Bob Odenkirk’s Doppelgänger, And He’s A Very Mean Hockey Coach


OK… so “Bob Odenkirk’s Doppelgänger” is actually Mitch Korn, goalie coach of the Washington Capitals. But seriously, check out the video above and tell me the guy doesn’t look and sound just like Saul Goodman on skates.

Apparently, Korn goes by the same creed when it comes to carrying out his operations… only the best, with the right amount of dirty. For evidence, watch him brutally sweep the leg on this poor goalie to teach him a valuable lesson on not putting your weight back on your heels.

Without his instruction, these goalies would be lucky, best-case scenario, to be managing a Cinnabon in Omaha. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have an irresistible urge to watch Season 1 of Better Call Saul all over again.

(Via @GabzNasty)