Missouri Football’s Black Players Are Boycotting Until The School’s President Resigns

It takes a special kind of courage to stand up for what you believe in. Missouri football’s black athletes believe that university president Tim Wolfe should resign from his position, and until he does, they refuse to participate in any football-related activities.

The athletes announced the news via a statement on the Twitter account for the school’s Legion of Black Collegians on Saturday night. This was done in response to a series of racist incidents recently in Columbia, for which Wolfe’s response has come under fire.

The most prominent incident occurred on Oct. 24, when – according to the Washington Post – a swastika was drawn in feces on a wall in a dormitory. The Tigers’ black players aren’t the first ones to go to extreme lengths to protest Wolfe – one student named Jonathan Butler has gone on a hunger strike. Butler was part of a protest during the university’s Homecoming parade and was hit by the person driving Wolfe’s car.

As for the response by Missouri’s coaches – they are in support of the protest, according to the Twitter account of Tigers defensive back John Gibson.

Missouri has three games remaining on its 2015 schedule – BYU on Nov. 14, Tennessee on Nov. 21, and a trip to Arkansas on Nov. 27.