And The Moneyball Parodies Keep Coming!

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So far this week we’ve shared with you Tinyballs, Saturday Night Live’s parody of Moneyball, and College Humor’s Too Much Moneyball, but it’s not over yet — I guess the comedic possibilities of that “fifty feet of crap” speech are too enticing, because Funny Or Die has chimed in with their own version about Matt Millen’s run as general manager of the Detroit Lions. I also would’ve accepted Millen Dollar Baby, especially if they killed him at the end.

The video has its high points (Patrick Willis being good at football as “the same old nonsense”, somebody stealing my “judge players solely on how good they are in video games” style) and its low points (knocking the WNBA, because seriously, who still thinks that’s funny) but is worth it almost solely for the The Dugout-style representation of Joey Harrington as a scarf-wearing piano player who can only throw the football behind him.

That all being said, man, somebody release another movie of worth so we can keep “fifty feet of crap” from being this year’s Bullet-time.