March Mad Men, Because Mad Men And March Madness Had To Come Together Sometime

Until somebody edits together a bunch of ‘Games Of Thrones’ characters discussing the college football playoff debate, here’s the best-ever instance of dramatic television characters being “sweet canned” into talking about sports: March Mad Men. Virginia Commonwealth University and 1960s Madison Avenue, together at last!

March Madness meets Mad Men. Don Draper, Roger Sterling, Ken Cosgrove, Peggy Olson, Pete Campbell, Betty Francis, and Bert Cooper have a lot at stake, and things are getting stressful. Who will win this year’s pool at Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce?

We need more basketball references on ‘Mad Men.’ We’re almost to that point in time when Lew Alcindor changes his name to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, right? That was 1968. Can season 6 of ‘Mad Men’ feature Don Draper lighting a cigarette with his brow all furrowed, complaining about how Kareem has signed his death warrant (or something equally dramatic) before getting all wistful about 8MM sky hook footage?

All I know is that I’m not picking Ohio State, because Pete said it with that look on his face. Who would Trudy pick? This is important.

[via Official Comedy]