The Biggest Rumor About The New iPhone 7 Has Just Been Confirmed


Word that Apple was going to make your earbuds redundant by cutting the headphone jack for the iPhone 7 have been going around for awhile but everything seemed to calm down a bit as chatter seemed to indicate that all changes would instead be “subtle.” But if you took comfort in that, the Wall Street Journal has some bad news for you. The effort to remove the external jack is back on.

This is quite literally the only major external change being made to the iPhone. Apple will be keeping everything else, down to the screen sizes, and will only be upgrading the guts of the iPhone and perhaps adding one or two interior changes like a dual SIM-card tray. So why is the jack being sacrificed? For thinness, of course. In fact, The Verge digs into the piece a bit more and points out that Apple is currently working on getting rid of the Home button, too, so that the iPhone will just be a sheet of glass you poke at.

Despite these changes, the new iPhone will supposedly only be a few millimeters thinner as Apple moves to make its product more waterproof. But is that worth it if you have to pay an exorbitant amount for new earbuds? Only time and user response will tell when the iPhone 7 is announced later this year.

(via The Verge)