Either ‘Twin Peaks’ Is Coming Back Or David Lynch Is F*cking With Us

In the final episode of Twin Peaks, Laura Palmer appears to Agent Cooper in the Black Lodge, and tells him, “I will see you again in 25 years.” That was 23 years ago, but the episode itself takes place on March 26, 1989, which was, well, let’s just say there’s a reason why Double R Diner fans are setting themselves up for disappointment when this turns out to be a commercial for gum, or something.

That’s a quote from the show. But so is: “When two separate events occur simultaneously pertaining to the same object of inquiry, we must always pay strict attention.” So what the BOB is going on?

The Entire Mystery Blu-ray release happened just a few months ago, so that’s not what they’re tweeting about today. Now with David Lynch recently hinting at a return to Twin Peaks (“Just wait and see!” ), could a revival finally be fact instead of rumor? Are we going to see a third season (on Netflix perhaps?) or will there be a sequel (or another prequel) to the Twin Peaks movie? (Via)

I have no idea, but as long as Kyle MacLachlan’s in…

…so am I.

Via Welcome to Twin Peaks