Stephen Colbert Sold Off A Ton Of ‘Colbert Report’ Treasures At A Yard Sale

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To the grieving members of Colbert Nation in the hours before Stephen Colbert retires his same-named alter ego forever, everything about The Colbert Report is sacred and worthy of both appreciation and preservation.

Earlier in the week, we shared our favorite Colbert moments with you, but if you wanted to own a real piece of the show beyond that which you could find on YouTube, you might be sh*t out of luck.

On last night’s penultimate episode, Colbert did what we all do when we leave a job: he cleared out his office. The only difference is, Colbert took all of his accumulated crap (bottle of ass juice, a mind control helmet, Michael Stipe) and he had a yard sale, offering up Colbert Report heirlooms to browsing shoppers for rock bottom prices in an effort to fund Daddy’s secret scratch-off addiction.

Personally, I’m devastated that I didn’t get a shot at the passport for Colbert’s balls, but it seems like it went to a good home. And that’s really all you can ask for, isn’t it?

Source: Splitsider