With Donald Trump Fired By NBC, The Real Victims Are Washed Up Celebrities

You have to give Donald Trump credit: When that man wants to dominate headlines, he knows exactly what to say and do, no matter how it makes him look. Of course, most people embarking on a serious, totally-for-real-this-time presidential campaign wouldn’t want to be distracted by the humiliation of receiving the boot from the network that hosts their reality shows, nor would they want their lavish beauty pageants dropped by Univision because of totally insensitive remarks about immigrants, but in The Donald’s world, all news is good news.

On today’s installment of The Desk, anchors Tom Storey and Briana Lane take a look at Trump’s latest masterclass in dominating the 24-hour news cycle. How will this affect the “celebrity” status of Trump’s reality stars? Better yet, what will it all mean for the real estate mogul’s chances at capturing the GOP nomination? That’ll be up to the other 437 candidates to decide.