Lizzy Caplan Takes An Unexpected Stance On The All-Important ‘Boxers Vs. Briefs’ Debate

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Lizzy Caplan gave a 20 Questions interview to Playboy to promote last night’s season premiere of Masters of Sex. Unsurprisingly, most of the discussion is about sexy things. The piece does cover a surprising amount of ground for sticking to one subject.

She admits to getting completely smashed for her first nude scene on True Blood. She drank an enormous quantity of Grey Goose vodka and required a stomach pumping. With Masters, she can no longer “get loose” before shooting such scenes, which require “nine pages of intense dialogue” in the midst of hot stuff.

Caplan also has some specific ideas on what men’s underwear should look like:

“I like when guys don’t wear those boxer briefs that go to mid-thigh and look like bike shorts. It’s harder and harder to find. They’re very popular, but I think they look stupid. I prefer old-fashioned tighty-whities or even just boxer shorts. When you discover a man who wears tighty-whities, you hold on to him. It’s so old-school. They’re great.”

She wants men and women to understand these tried-and-true secrets:

For the ladies, I suppose it’s worth assuming that whatever little physical imperfections you obsess over in the mirror are in reality invisible to the man you’re standing naked in front of. He is distracted, you see, by your breasts. For the men: that your girlfriend’s girlfriends know everything about your penis and most things about your balls.

On the ending of relationships, she’ll do anything to make a steady dating situation work, but if a breakup happens, she never goes back. Caplan believes “a DO NOT RESUSCITATE sign” should be held over the carcasses of all dead relationships.

Masters of Sex kicked off its third season last night on Showtime.

(via Playboy)