Halloween Queen Heidi Klum Says This Year’s Costume Is Every ‘Male’s Fantasy’

Not since the early seasons of Roseanne has someone owned Halloween as much as Heidi Klum. Last year, she was an extravagant butterfly; before that, the model dressed as everything from a shriveled old woman to a Hindu goddess to Ramsay Bolton’s dream lady. Speaking of, for this year’s costume, Donald Trump’s sexiest enemy is going as “sort of a male’s fantasy.” So, herself?

“I am working with Mike Marino from Prosthetic Renaissance and his team to make this year’s costume,” she says. “They cast my entire body — eyes open! — to make the special pieces to make my costume come alive.” Of course, Klum is tight-lipped about what she’s actually going as. But she did give us a tiny hint: “This year’s costume is sort of a male’s fantasy. That’s all I’m going to say!” (Via)

Klum dropped some hints on her Instagram.

The Huffington Post guessed Klum is transforming into Jessica Rabbit, but I think she’s going as Mystique, Mrs. Doubtfire, or the turtle guy from The Master of Disguise. Or maybe all three? That’s probably someone’s fantasy?

The master of disguise, indeed.

(Via People)

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