Amy Poehler’s Description Of Her Divorce From Will Arnett Is Depressing

Downhill shopping cart races haven’t been nearly as fun since the day Amy Poehler and Will Arnett got divorced. She rarely, if ever, publicly comments on the split, but the Parks and Recreation star did briefly write about it in Yes Please, her memoir that come December will stuff every stocking.

Calling her own separation “too sad” and “too personal” to discuss in detail, she writes “when you are a person going through a divorce you feel incredibly alone, yet you are constantly reminded by society of how frequently divorce happens and how common it has become. You aren’t allowed to feel special, but no one knows the specific ways you are in pain.”

“Imagine spreading everything you care about on a blanket and then tossing the whole thing up in the air,” [Poehler] continues. “The process of divorce is about loading up that blanket, throwing it up, watching it all spin, and worrying what stuff will break when it lands.” (Via)

Poehler went on to praise Arnett for still being in her life, writing she’s “grateful” that he’s the father to their two children. She also reveals that Louis C.K., who’s gone through a divorce himself (I know, right? Who knew? Next you’ll tell me he occasionally makes jokes about masturbation…), was her “relationship sponsor,” and he passed along some wise words.

“Divorce is always good news because no good marriage has ever ended in divorce.”

Should my wife ever break up with me, here’s how I plan to handle it.

I’m Louis, she’s Chelsea.

Via Radar Online