B.J. Novak Had The Best Response To Mindy Kaling’s Nationwide Commercial

Mindy Kaling hung out with her “best friend” and former love B.J. Novak to watch the Super Bowl yesterday, along with Mindy Project writer Jeremy Bronson — as you can see in the above image she tweeted out. Of course, this Sunday’s Super Bowl was especially eventful in that her big Nationwide commercial premiered, in which Kaling thinks she’s invisible until she tries to kiss Matt Damon. Of course B.J. Novak had the most perfect thing ever to say about it on Twitter, because these two will forever taunt us with their “are they — aren’t they?” relationship status:

OMG YOU TWO JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY AND MAKE PERFECT ADORABLE BABIES. Really, I don’t want to sound dramatic or anything but Mindy and B.J. withholding a relationship with each other from us is just downright selfish.

Here’s her full commercial — in which her career comes full circle with Matt Damon — in case you missed it:

(Via Us Weekly)