Bryan Cranston Endorsed Some Kid for Student Body President

Here is a short video of Bryan Cranston, in character as Walter White from “Breaking Bad,” endorsing a candidate named Maxwell Ulin for student body president. I have no idea why Bryan Cranston — again, in character as Walter White from “Breaking Bad” — has decided to endorse a candidate named Maxwell Ulin for student body president, but I do know that Maxwell Ulin, whoever the hell he is, is going to win. BY SO MUCH.

The Huffington Post has a little bit of background on the situation, but I kind of don’t want to know anymore about it, because I fear it would just be a letdown. I much prefer the idea of Bryan Cranston taking to the Internet to influence a high school election, and just WRECKING this Summer Kennedy girl’s whole day in the process, for absolutely no reason at all. Like, he saw a sign on someone’s lawn when he was driving to work with “Vote for Summer Kennedy!” written on it in cutesy flowery lettering, and he just thought, “You know what? F-ck her,” so he did a bunch of research to find out who her opponent in the race was, and then grabbed his camera to film an endorsement in character as someone he has won multiple Emmys for portraying.

That would have been great.

via Buzzfeed