Conan O'Brien Was an Awkward Teenage Drummer…with Great Hair

I know it’s hard to believe that the pale 15-year-old redhead in the picture above is Conan O’Brien, but honest, it is. Conan came into possession of the photo, presumably taken during an all-afternoon, unbuttoned-shirt rave (he brought the milk), after a friend of an old high school classmate who was in the audience of his TBS show gave him it. He “premiered” the photo last night, before going on to play a 47-minute version of “Moby Dick.”

Conan looks like Extra #17 from Revenge of the Nerds. What do you think his yearbook quote was? Was he the real-life inspiration behind, “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing,” or did he go with the timeless, “Up yours, Taxachusetts!” He probably didn’t do what I did, which was worry about seeming too “weird” by picking a TV show quote, and go the supposedly safe route: use a Dave Matthews Band lyric. I mean, he’s not a time traveler.

(Via BuzzFeed)