‘Full Frontal’ Goes To Cleveland And Profiles Two Very Different Types Of Delegate

Full Frontal With Samantha Bee took a very odd route to its special coverage of the Republican and Democratic National Conventions. Instead of attempting to do the impossible and cover each of the standout moments from the convention at this point, Bee and crew hit the road to find the real America on their way down the road.

It’s a mix of depressing sketches and some of those awkward interview segments that usually make you face palm at some point. Toss in Herman Cain’s old campaign bus and it’s a pretty interesting ride that offers drama, comedy, and a lot of odd smells throughout.

The highlight is definitely this profile on two delegates that still refuse to give up on their chosen candidates or their own odd life choices. Instead of jumping in line behind Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, these two are focused on supporting Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders respectively. Only since they’re not technically available to earn the nomination, our delegates want to write in Ronald Reagan and Bernie Sanders instead.

You might’ve noticed that Bernie Sanders was mentioned twice, but that’s just because it’s how Sanders rolls. Also these two ladies are dead set on following their own hearts and minds to the conventions, choosing to go with Voldemort and Andrew Jackson over the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

What a world!

(Via Full Frontal)