'Girls' Has A Full-Length Trailer, Is All Apatow-y

HBO’s upcoming comedy “Girls” has been getting a lot of buzz in advance of its April 15th premiere. Part of the hype is because the project was created by critical darling Lena Dunham (Tiny Furniture) and Comedy Midas Judd Apatow, but the other part is that it looks like a dramatic shift from HBO’s previous “Hey, isn’t life just the best? Let’s get drinks and bone” brand of comedies, like “Sex and the City” and “Entourage.” In fact, many — including the people at HBO — are branding it as the anti-“Sex and the City.” I would argue that “the anti-‘Sex and the City'” would actually be a show about a group of celibate Amish men who refuse to talk about shoes under any circumstances, but now we’re just arguing semantics.

Anyway, HBO released the first full-length trailer for the show recently, and, sure enough, it has the Apatow-style all over it: awkward, a little uncomfortable, and substantially more realistic than the lifestyle-porn shows mentioned above. Granted, an off-beat show focusing on a group of 20-something women ain’t exactly lighting up the ol’ Uproxx Target Demo Meter, but I fully support both (a) quality television made by creative and talented people, and (b) people going out of their way to passive aggressively trash shows I dislike, so at the very least I plan on giving this show a shot.

via PopWatch