Haha, They Said ‘Weiner’

I’m gonna keep things simple and lowbrow: here’s a collection of local news anchors saying “Weiner” while talking about the disgraced New York congressman (today’s New York Post front page: “OBAMA BEATS WEINER”). I like the part where they say “Weiner.”

Anyway, as much as I’ve enjoyed the widespread influx of dick jokes across all media platforms, this does throw my little OCD world of grammar and pronunciation into disarray. I’ve always maintained that w-e-i-n-e-r is pronounced “whiner,” while the w-i-e-n-er of Oscar Mayer and penis fame was “weener.” And then Anthony Weiner came along, snapped pictures of his junk, and destroyed my beliefs. Totally worth it.

[iheartchaos via BuzzFeed]