Here’s A Top-Notch Weekend Netflix Binge-Viewing Recommendation

If you’ve already watched the Best 25 Best Shows on Netflix, powered through the Next 25 Best TV Shows on Netflix, and got caught up on this week’s best new movies on Netflix, here’s a quick weekend binge-watching recommendation on Netflix: It’s called The Fall, and it’s terrific.

The series, which was the highest rated new launch in eight years for the BBC, was filmed in Belfast and stars Gillian Anderson (The X-Files) and Jamie Dornan, the soon-to-be-lead of 50 Shades of Grey. It’s a five-episode serial killer drama, but it’s not like any other serial killer TV series you’ve seen. It’s not a whodunnit. There is no mystery.

Instead, The Fall tells both sides of the investigation. On one side, we follow Detective Superintendent Stella Gibson (Anderson) as she attempts to find and apprehend a serial killer. On the other side, we follow Paul Spector (Dornan), the serial killer who is terrorising Belfast. He has a wife and two children who are unaware of his activities, and he works (ironically) as a bereavement counsellor. His targets are all young, professional women.

What’s horrifying about The Fall is that, since we see the serial killer’s perspective, we are also witness to his torturous murders, which are often drawn out for maximum agony. And the thing is, despite the fact that he’s a murderer, he’s actually a decent father and counsellor.

The series is cold and a little on the clinical side, but it’s almost necessary given the level of brutality. Despite the fact that we know who the serial killer is, there’s still plenty of suspense in knowing when he’ll be caught, and whether he’ll get away with the next disturbing murder. It’s an intense series that taps into the political tensions of Northern Ireland, and while it’s a slow burn, there are only five episodes. It’s definitely worth the investment.