Jon Stewart Finished Second In Time’s Person of the Year Reader Poll, Behind Kim Jong Un

The Sexiest Man of the Year is also the Person of the Year, thanks to the dedication of thousands of 4chan neckbeards *immediately has computer hacked* *house explodes* Kim Jong-Un, the Supreme Snowman who’s leading the country that’s probably going to kill us all some day, has won Time’s annual Person of the Year poll, finishing one spot (and over three million votes) ahead of Daily Show host Jon Stewart. How’d that happen?

For the second time in the last three years, 4chan’s most notorious imageboard is harnessing the power of the hivemind to manipulate Time Magazine’s Person of the Year.

The imageboard’s top choice, North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, is currently number two on Time’s public voting site, right behind President of Egypt Mohamed Morsi.

Almost immediately after Time opened the poll up to public votes Monday, a thread appeared on 4chan’s /b/ imageboard—a random forum where people regularly post violent and sexual content—encouraging the community to vote for the 29-year-old North Korean leader. (Via)

To be fair, North Korea did acknowledge and report on the existence of unicorns earlier this year, so they deserve ALL the awards. As for why Stewart finished second instead of, say, Your Mother’s Vagina, put on your A Beautiful Mind crazy pants and take a look at the rankings.

See it? The first initials of the finalists spell out “KJU GAS CHAMBERS,” which, naturally, refers to Hitler.

“There really is nothing too exciting about the meaning [OF “KJU GAS CHAMBERS”], sorry to say. We chose it because it was clever, had semi-subtle offensive overtones, and wasn’t as childish as our second choice of KFCBUTTSEX,” one anonymous IRC user wrote in an email to the Daily Dot and other media organizations. “Furthermore, if there was any overt justification for why we chose gas chambers, it’s because we wanted to reference Hitler, who’s [sic] gas chamber antics are always offensive to people. His name was mentioned a lot when we were discussing what to spell.” (Via)

Eh, Kim Jong’s still a better choice than “You.” Meanwhile, Craig Kilborn finished 639,393,294 in the poll, between Mad Men Handjob Receiver and Your Mother’s Vagina. (It’s been a rough week for the poor guy.)

(Via Time)