Nurses Reveal To Jimmy Kimmel What They Hate Most About Their Jobs, And It’s A Code Brown

As part of a bid for Vice President of the Unites States, Jimmy Kimmel took on improving American jobs Thursday night, starting out with nurses and healthcare practitioners. As such, he went online and asked the healthcare workers of this country, what don’t you like about your job?

Unsurprisingly, he got a lot of responses. Among the grievances were that nurses don’t like their scrubs on account of them not being cold weather friendly, not liking when a patient’s family changes the TV station, not digging when patients think the ER is a narcotics dispensary, oh, and then there’s the poop… a lot of poop.

“I absolutely hate when I go to stand somebody up off the toilet using my hands, and realize they’ve been digging in their own ass,” remarks one male nurse, while other answers include: “explosive diarrhea,” something called a “poo-nami,” “poop volcanoes,” and as one nurse succinctly puts it, “two words: code brown.”

Kimmel says that next he’s posing the same question to America’s waiters and waitresses, but let’s face it, ain’t nothing gonna top code brown.