Pete Davidson Doubles Down On His Hope That Staten Island Falls Into The Sea During ‘Weekend Update’

The first thing you should know about this Pete Davidson segment from Weekend Update on this week’s SNL is that pretty much everything he points out is real. Colin Jost’s lovable status in Staten Island is real, that New York Post reporter is very real, and Davidson did say that he wouldn’t mind if a tidal wave took out Staten Island. In fact, he said it in an interview with UPROXX’s own Vince Mancini about a year ago, complete with the title, “F*ck Staten Island”:

You’re from Staten Island. You’re pretty close to home at SNL. How much did getting on the show change your daily life?

F*ck them. They all suck. They have nothing to do with me or my success. It’s a terrible borough, filled with terrible people. A f*cking tidal Wave could take out Staten Island and I wouldn’t even move in my sleep. In fact I would sleep better. F*ck Staten Island. A bunch of Trump-supporting f*cking jerk offs. F*ck them. End quote.

Okay. Where do you live now? I assume you don’t live there anymore.

No. My mother lives there because she’s too f*cking stupid to realize she shouldn’t.

This was enough for Post reporter Dean Balsamini to say Davidson might end up “sleeping with the fishes” for saying such things. That might be why Davidson revisited his Staten Island home for this Thanksgiving segment, talking about how he and fellow resident Colin Jost are covered by the local media and to double down on the notion that Staten Island should just fall into the sea. It’s a hilarious four minutes that just sees Davidson rail on Staten Island with Colin Jost and reveal why it hates him:

Well cause they love you. You represent what they could be. You know, a kid who got out. He went to Harvard. And now, apparently, according to People Magazine is the world’s sexiest joke writer.

And look, the reason Staten Island hates me is cause I represent what they are: A mentally ill community college dropout who got a Game Of Thrones tattoo before watching the show.

He congratulates Jost on his People magazine honor, but quickly cuts him down to size by saying it’s like being “the world smartest horse.” Davidson also quickly nullifies much of what he said during the segment by admitting he’ll be going home for Thanksgiving. It’s a lot like the interview from last year, where he says he just bought a house in Staten Island with his mother immediately after calling them “a bunch of Trump-supporting f*cking jerk offs.”

Basically this is the perfect Pete Davidson segment and should earn him another season or two as the show’s “Make-A-Wish kid.” His words.

(Via SNL)