Ricky Gervais Claims That He Discovered Louis C.K. And He’s Waiting For His Thank You

It would seem that children aren’t the only thing that Ricky Gervais has beef with these days. Now he’s claiming he discovered Louis C.K. before he hit it big with Louie and he’s looking for his thanks:

“I discovered that big, sweaty slob. I’ve done everything for him, haven’t I? I was even in his show…Yeah, I had see his freckly ass and everything. And he’s never thanked me.”

Of course this is right after saying he loved Louis C.K. and alluding to the friendly rivalry they’ll share come Emmy awards season. He also pulls out the hilarious differences between British and American awards shows, namely that you can actually see famous people in America.

First Steve Carell is stealing his award statue and now Louis C.K. won’t thank him for all the career help. Why not just sh*t on his face, folks?

(Via Late Night)