Serene Branson 2.0

After the Grammys, CBS2 reporter Serene Branson suffered a migraine aura on-air, leading to a garbled, nonsensical report that went viral (and inspired autotuned remixes).

Now a Canadian reporter named Mark McAllister seems to have suffered a similar affliction, stumbling through a report on the events in Libya. I mean, I know Canadians are backward and talk funny, but I’m pretty sure “sifty-four” isn’t a number in any language. Global News released the following statement:

While on the air during the 6 p.m. News Hour broadcast on Monday, March 21, Global Toronto reporter Mark McAllister suffered a minor medical issue causing him to experience a moment of disorientation. Paramedics were immediately called to the scene, where Mark was fully checked out and is feeling better. As a precaution, Mark will be pursuing this matter with his own doctor.

Although McAllister is fine now, this seems to be part of a larger trend. Specifically: you must have some kind of brain damage if you’re pursuing a career in journalism.
