Seth Meyers Is Still Offering Donald Trump His Own NBC Series To Drop Out Of The Presidential Race

The saga of Seth Meyers’ Chicago President has been popping up on Late Night throughout the summer, with the late night host attempting to get Donald Trump to drop out of the presidential race. It all got its start around the time that Meyers banned Trump from appearing on his show — despite the candidate showing no interest in doing so before that moment. It was a pre-ban to just cover his bases, but he might’ve changed his mind if Trump agreed to take himself out of the running for Chicago President.

Meyers has basically crafted an entire world for Trump to be a fictional version of himself as president, complete with that top notch NBC ‘Chicago’ branding and the ability for Trump to set the record straight about his past. Previously we’ve seen Meyers offer up Megan Fox as Trump’s fictional First Lady, Michael Cera as a far punier version of Paul Ryan, and Kevin James as himself. Bradley Cooper will even play younger Trump, sweetening the pot to lure Trump in to the show.

Well now the stakes have been raised during Tuesday’s Late Night, with Meyers actually showing how a scene from Chicago President would play out. In the scene, we get a chance to find out exactly what happened with Donald Trump’s bone spurs and why he had to miss out on heading to Vietnam. It’s honestly perfect and Meyers does a nice Trump impression to really set the stage. If Trump wants to play president and give up all that power to his VP, Chicago President seems to be his prime ticket.

Make it happen, Mr. Trump. You can even be the guy to bring back the missing ape element to television, casting a chimp as your VP candidate on the show.