So Long and Thanks for All the Puppies

Good news and bad news, people. The good news is that Warming Glow’s staff of writers is about to get much better. The bad news is that there may be a slight decline in dog-centric Photoshops. Effective Thursday, December 1st, I’m stepping down as the editor of Warming Glow. There are many reasons for the move, but the single greatest is this: I’m tired. I’ve been blogging full-time for more than five years, and I need to do something different — something that involves leaving the house and interacting with other human beings in a manner that doesn’t involve this keyboard.

Though I’m sad to leave Warming Glow before it reaches its fully realized state of entertainment industry domination, I’m thrilled to announce the new staff of regulars who will satisfy your need for TV news and viral videos:

Dustin Rowles. Dustin (@pajiba) is owner and publisher of the excellent review site and a regular contributor to UPROXX. He keeps a diary of the 30-35 TV shows he watches every week, hates the Kardashians almost as much as I do, and worships at the altar of FX programming.

Danger Guerrero. You know Danger (@DangerGuerrero) from his regular fill-in duties here, his bro-tastic recaps of “Franklin & Bash,” and his exalted position as Warming Glow Legal Counsel. I forgive his love of “Saved by the Bell” because he makes great corgi videos.

Josh Kurp. Josh (@JoshKurp) is a regular Warming Glow contributor whose ability to think in list format makes him one of the busiest young freelancers on the internet. He watches eight times as much TV as I do, and you can trust his opinion on everything except “Glee.”

Lindy West. Lindy (@thelindywest) is brilliant and hilarious. She recently left The Stranger, where she famously wrote the greatest Sex and the City 2 review the world has ever known. She also has a perfectly successful freelance career that involves contributing to respectable publications like GQ and The Guardian, so please genuflect with only the headiest fart jokes when her work appears here.

As for me, I’ll still be a regular contributor at Kissing Suzy Kolber, and you can follow my writing and other internet ephemera on my Twitter feed. Now let’s all get back to having fun and secretly drinking at work until my last post on Wednesday. These puppy pictures aren’t going to look at themselves, you know.