Stephen Colbert Paid Tribute To David Letterman While Showing Off His ‘Late Show’ Studio

Once Stephen Colbert got back behind his desk, everything seemed right with the world. His bit on Donald Trump’s campaign was a long time coming (and worth the wait), but his introduction to the newly renovated Ed Sullivan Theater — adorned with numerous trinkets and additions — was really the point where you knew the show was going to be just fine with “normal” Stephen Colbert.

Before he got to showing off his Captain America shield and spiffy new video backdrops (with an appearance by late night prom king Jimmy Fallon), Colbert took a moment to pay tribute to departing Late Show host David Letterman. It started with a joke — one that Letterman probably would’ve loved if he was at the show — and then went into why Colbert isn’t replacing Letterman, he’s just trying to reach the same comedic heights as the retired host. It’s a nice moment that precedes a lot of absurdity with a cursed amulet and magical monkey’s paw, both with some sort of a focus on promoting sponsors (Sabra Hummus is alright, though).

It’s just nice to see that not much has changed with Colbert’s move to network television. It’s still silly and still on point with laughs. If he starts playing games with his guests, though, we might cry.

(Via The Late Show)