The ‘Apparently Kid’ Is Making Commercials Now And Is Apparently Still Pretty Adorable

Noah Ritter, the Apparently Kid, is making commercials now. Above, please find an extended spot for Freshpet, in which young Noah get attacked by puppies, discusses pet flatulence (“He didn’t like any of the food, and it made his farts stink all day and night”), wings a stuffed dinosaur across the room while shouting “FETCH,” and I think, gives out his home phone number. Oh, and he drops a few more “apparentlys,” too. Obviously.

I don’t know. I guess you could watch this and see a cynical attempt by a pet food company to exploit the fleeting Internet fame of a precocious child in order to get websites like the very one you are reading right now to post the video and give them cheapo advertising. Or, you could see it as a bit of fun for Noah that lets him cash in on his fame after we all extracted enjoyment from his first video without compensating him at all. (Freshpet says they have “set up a college fund for Noah so that he can continue his dream” of becoming a paleontologist.) Up to you, I suppose. Me? I love this guy.

Anything to add in closing, kiddo?