Fans of The Walking Dead who pay close attention to the minutia of the series will note that, though it doesn’t dabble in Easter eggs and other details as much as Breaking Bad or Better Call Saul, the AMC series will still occasionally hide a few fun things for fans, like that Stephen King easter egg last season.
There have been a number of recurring symbols or motifs on The Walking Dead over eight seasons, but two are about to finally be paid off: The Letter “A,” and the helicopter. We’ve been tracking the letter “A” for a number of years — it was spray-painted onto Daryl’s jumpsuit while he was imprisoned in the sanctuary, stamped on Rick and Jessie, scrawled into a bannister by Carol, painted on a train car by the cannibals, and most recently written on a storage container by Jadis.

Meanwhile, we’ve also been tracking that helicopter which has made numerous unexplained appearances on The Walking Dead over the years.
We’re going to finally find out what it all means, according to The Walking Dead showrunner Angela Kang, who dropped some intel on the AMC blog this week.
“Jadis has a new hairdo and clothing, but it looks like she might be up to her old tricks with the walkie and the helicopter. Or is she? And speaking of the helicopter, you might also notice the three rings symbol that’s appeared on various items at the Heaps before, and the ‘A’ we’ve seen crop up periodically. Yes, there is a meaning to both things. No, I won’t spoil it right now!”

Apparently, I haven’t been paying enough attention because it’s also the first I ever noticed the three-ring symbol, which will also be explained.
We’ll find out all when The Walking Dead returns in October.
Source: AMC