This Corgi Was Made for the Internet

A lot of people send me pictures of their corgis for Corgi Friday, and I always appreciate that. Unfortunately, most of the pictures are just the plain ol’ corgi sitting there. I’m not complaining — it’s great; it always looks like a perfectly cute and fun dog. The thing is, I’ve been operating this little corgi corner for a while now, and I’m a little desensitized to the average corgi. I need corgis in clothes and glasses. Corgis in hats. Cosplay corgis. Corgi weddings. Corgi Civil War reenactors.
And that’s where Pooka comes in to play. Pooka has appeared in two previous editions of Corgi Friday, but I never realized the full extent of her awesomeness until I found her page on MyCorgi. On the slides that follow, you can see her make the transition from adorable playful puppy to full-grown Corgi dressed in various costumes, including Xena Warrior Princess, Groucho Marx, Waldo from “Where’s Waldo?”, Disney’s Robin Hood, and much more. It’s like her owners have dedicated her entire life to making charming and funny Internet photos. Enjoy.

“Do you think anyone can tell?”
This picture makes my week. And now all I can think about is “Little John and Robin Hood walkin’ through the forest…