‘Breaking Bad’ Season 5: How To Re-Watch The First Eight Episodes

Breaking Bad Final Season 5 is closing in with the final eight episodes premiering Sunday August 11, 2013 at 9PM ET on AMC. Between Netflix, AMC replays, Sundance replays, and friends’ DVDs you’ll never return, re-watching Breaking Bad Seasons 1-4 is almost too easy and you lack commitment if you take the lazy way out. The broken up and confusingly aired Season 5 is a different story.

If you’re like me you’re currently in the midst of completing a refresher course on the series and starting to contemplate your options for re-watching the first eight episodes of Season 5. That is, if you weren’t forward-thinking enough to tag them “keep until I delete” on your DVR. If you were, much respect.

Here are the best (legal) options:

UPDATE: The first Season 5 episodes hit Netflix Streaming on 8/2/13.

iTunesIt’s $2.99 a pop or $19.99 for the entire first eight episodes in HD. Standard Def is $1.99/$13.99.

Amazon – The Blu-Ray DVD set is going for $39.96 and Prime episode downloads are $2.99 a piece and $19.99 for the entire season. Standard Def is $1.99/$13.99.

XBox Live – Season 5 passes and individual episodes available. I have no idea how their payment system works and am too intimidated to learn.

NetflixSeason 5 DVDs are available. Two discs for the first eight episodes. Prioritize them in your queue now if you haven’t already.

AMC Replays – The network is replaying episodes throughout late July and August but not replaying any of the first eight episodes from Season 5 until 12:30PMet 8/11, the day of the return. They’ll marathon all eight episodes up until the final episodes premiere. I can think of much worse ways to spend a Sunday.

Once you’re all set there (and I’m sure most of you already have a plan of attack mapped out) I suggest perusing Breaking Bad theories to make the most of your crystal blue immersion.