Who Is Going To Die On Tonight’s ‘American Horror Story: Freak Show’?

Last week’s episode of American Horror Story: Freak Show was especially murdery, surprisingly killing off two main characters a little over half of the way into the season. But according to an E!Online interview with Finn Wittrock shortly after the episode aired, that’s going to be nothing compared to the bloodshed we’re going to see tonight. He says:

“I’ll just tell you that the next one, I think his body count might double. The next one really, honestly takes the cake. Even I’m scared.”

The above image is seen in the teaser for tonight’s episode, although it also appeared back in a fantasy sequence for the episode “Pink Cupcakes,” so if I had to guess I’d say that’s a pretty solid indication that Bette and Dot are going to make it out alive, anyway.

Let’s see what else can we gather from the teaser, which is honestly probably a pointless exercise since most of the stuff in the teasers turns out to not happen anyway. But hey, at least it will make for a fun recap tomorrow to point out all of the inconsistencies!

So based on all of that, let’s place some odds.

Dandy: Lives. I know this because [SPOILER ALERT] IMDB says he appears in 13 episodes this season.

Jimmy: Lives. He’s basically the hero in this season, so he’s going to have to stick around long enough for a final showdown with Dandy.

Bette and Dot: Based on the above, I’d say there’s almost no way Bette and Dot eat it in this episode.

Elsa: Lives, only because they never kill off Jessica Lange. It’s probably in her contract or something.

Del: I’m gonna say there’s a 75% chance of Del not making it out alive tonight.

Desiree: She’s not doing much now that she and Del are separated and Ethel is gone, so she may as well be one of the ones to go. I’ll give it a 60% chance.

Stanley: I’d put 50/50 on Stanley, just because his storyline is dumb and I want it to be over.

Maggie: I see Maggie sticking around until, say, the penultimate episode so then Jimmy has to avenge her death in the finale.

Amazon Eve: Lives. Too big to kill.

Paul the Illustrated Seal / Penny: Blind prediction, gonna say both live.

Bored Housewives: Well, obviously. That would have to be some serious Ryan Murphy f*ckery if they erase that scene from the episode. Or is it another one of those dumb fantasy sequences? I’m gonna give them 90% chance of death.

Regina: Dies. Dandy admits to her face that he killed her mother, so again — unless it’s another f*ck up — she’s got to go.