Comics Of Note For April 22, Ranked

This week, we’ve got Israeli comic strips, a whole lot of Convergence, and the all-new, full-gay Iceman on the docket.

Remember: These rankings tend to put accessibility and uniqueness first. A good book that new readers can’t follow is going to be ranked lower than a book they can, and a clever spin on an old idea is going to do better than a good take that doesn’t do much. With that in mind, who took No. 1 this week?

1. The Realist

I don’t usually mention graphic novels on here, but Asaf Hanuka deserves an exception. An experienced cartoonist and graphic artist, The Realist collects Hanuka’s strips for an Israeli business magazine, and they’re a tremendous mix of magical realism, personal musings, domestic dramedy, and political protest. Archaia has sprung for a good translation, which helps considerably, and Hanuka’s detailed, grounded art can go from dark to cartoony in a minute. It’s a good demonstration of what comics can do, and worth reading if you want a break from superheroics.

2. Kaptara #1

Chip Zdarsky’s new book sounds pretty generic on the surface: Space mission, space anomaly, blah blah blah. But once the snarky gay xenobiologist winds up in a Masters of the Universe parody… well, let’s say things get interesting, fast. Hilarious, unexpected, and smart, with great art by Kagan McLeod, you need to pick up this book.

3. The Black Hood #3

This vigilante series swings into high gear with Greg Hettinger going full vigilante not just on drug dealers, but also on Philly street scum, including an actual high profile case from the Philly area. It’s an interesting take not least because Hettinger is, subtly, swapping one addiction for another while facing the actual realities of being a vigilante who beats the crap out of people. Like, for example, some people going into shock when you punch out their lights.

4. Ivar, Timewalker #4

Neela, our heroine, tries to save her father and, well… “fixed points in time” and all that. What stands out the most about Fred Van Lente’s script is how it’s simultaneously a comedy of errors and tragic in how Neela just can’t save the one she loves and being pushed to darker places. Playing that for comedy is a tough balance, and Van Lente pulls it off.

5. Velvet #10

Ed Brubaker and Steve Epting’s espionage story of a female superspy who comes out of retirement when she’s framed takes a real swerve here, as the final issue of the second arc answers no questions and instead ramps up the danger. Velvet, it turns out, is playing a much darker and rougher game than she realized, and she might not survive it. Needless to say, highly recommended if you’ve been reading the book, but you might want to get caught up before reading this issue.

6. Convergence: Swamp Thing #1

Swamp Thing’s original creator Len Wein and Kelley Jones, one of the premiere horror illustrators, working together on a book? Sold. Even if it is mostly a Swamp Thing recap, it’s gorgeous to look at, and Wein uses the basic concept of both Convergence and Swamp Thing’s connection to the Earth in clever ways: He tightly focuses it on the character, with the backstory of Convergence almost being irrelevant.

7. Divinity #3

Valiant’s book exploring what happens when a human becomes a god takes a bit of an abrupt turn here, as Unity attacks and discovers that, oh yeah, the guy who can warp reality probably shouldn’t be taken on directly. It’s a bit trippy, to say the least, and it’s mostly just setting up the finale. I almost wish Valiant had let it stand alone instead of bringing in Ninjak and the crew, since they don’t quite fit with the tone Matt Kindt is trying to strike. Still, it’s a great idea, and it’s a superb read.

8. Suiciders #3

Lee Bermejo’s dystopia of a fractured Los Angeles still feels a bit vague and unfocused; we’ve got three plot lines running here and only two of them really tie together, for example. But Bermejo’s art is beautiful, and at least this is getting more into characterization, so we have some stakes, finally.

9. Grindhouse: Drive In, Bleed Out #4

It’s a comic book about giant killer ticks with gratuitous nudity. Either you’ve already bought it, or you’re never going to. I will say Alex de Campi achieves, as usual, a good balance between evoking the shock of old bad movies and bringing something new to the table, and this two-issue series is a fun, fast-paced action book. Just… perhaps not to every taste.

10. Empire: Uprising #1

Mark Waid and Barry Kitson return to their comic series, which asks what might happen if Doctor Doom takes over the world. It’s not pretty, to say the least, and Kitson’s clean art makes the gore and danger all the more disturbing. A must-buy for SF and supervillain fans.

11. Convergence: The Adventures of Superman #1

As I’ve noted elsewhere, the Convergence books all have a similar formula: We see life under the dome, we meet the depowered hero, the dome falls, fight. This book, set in the 1970s Superbooks continuity, breaks that formula almost immediately: Superman and Supergirl go into the Phantom Zone looking for a way to escape the dome… which almost immediately falls and sees the city in question invaded by giant monkeys. It’s a refreshing changeup and a well-done idea, and worth buying for Superman fans.

12. The Infinite Loop #1

Pierrick Colinet and Elsa Charretier have a time travel book, of which there are a lot lately, following an adventurous redhead as she tries to “rectify” problems made in the timestream. Which is all well and good when it’s a chair or a lamp, but, well, you can guess the issue when a living being is an “anomaly.” It’s a zippy book, thanks to Charretier’s art, but the concept, while sturdy, doesn’t have much of a twist in the first issue. Still a fun read, though, and worth getting.

13. Convergence: The New Teen Titans #1

Marv Wolfman is back writing his most beloved series, as the original Titans take the stage. Wolfman stands out here not least because he offers a smart spin on the stock Convergence plot while assuming he’s writing for new readers; the Titans confront an alternate Doom Patrol who just want to get back to the future, and everything’s set up so you can read the story even if you’ve never touched the New Teen Titans. It’s a clever way to introduce a classic series, and engaging in its own right.

14. Convergence: Wonder Woman #1

If you’d told me I’d like Larry Hama’s take on Wonder Woman: Social Worker, one of the most widely mocked and poorly considered plot twists of the ’70s, I would have laughed at you. But Hama, best known for his G.I. Joe comics, uses the basic gimmick of Convergence to salvage the idea while modernizing and polishing it; he focuses on what makes Wonder Woman a great human being. Definitely worth a read, although I rank a few comics higher.

15. Ninjak #2

Matt Kindt and Clay Mann have a fairly straightforward action/espionage book as Ninjak infiltrates a black-market weapons corporation. It does take an odd digression, but overall, while it’s worth a read, it’s not exactly shaking up action comics.

16. Convergence #3

Well, you can’t say this book’s finale is expected, but it’s still little more than connective tissue for the more interesting miniseries that surround it. Worth it for completists, but if you’re not following, try Swamp Thing or The Adventures of Superman instead.

17. All-New X-Men #40

Yes, Bobby comes out as gay in this issue… in what might be one of the clumsiest, most forced moments in Brian Michael Bendis’ career. Seriously, there were so, so many better ways to do this. Even if the Kitty Pryde joke was hilarious. As it is, the book feels disjointed, it’s trying to be a breather issue but it just doesn’t quite click.

18. Drones #1

Bruno Oliveira’s art is solid, if nothing else, but this book about drone pilots has a hot mess of a script from Chris Lewis. It whipsaws between espionage thriller, satire of Middle Eastern stereotypes, and Twilight-Zone-esque hallucinations without any of it making much in the way of sense. It could be worse, one supposes, but it’s a difficult read, and not in the good way.

The Full Retail List

I.C.E. Bayou Blackout #1 (Of 3)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99

Fight Like A Girl Volume 1 Learning Curve TP, $14.99
Vamplets The Nightmare Nursery #1 (Of 6)(Amanda Coronado Regular Cover), $3.99
Vamplets The Nightmare Nursery #1 (Of 6)(Bill Blankenship Variant Cover), $4.99
Vamplets The Nightmare Nursery #1 (Of 6)(Gayle Middleton Variant Cover), $4.99

Haunter GN, $15.00

Woodland Welfare Manifesto GN, $7.95

Roman Ritual #4 (Of 4), $3.99

Nathan Hale’s Hazardous Tales Volume 5 The Underground Abductor HC, $12.95

Gearhearts Steam-Punk Glamor Review Musical Special #1 (One Shot), $3.99

Betty And Veronica #275 (Brittney Williams Variant Cover), $4.99
Betty And Veronica #275 (Genevieve FT Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), $4.99
Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Double Digest #233, $6.99
Black Hood #3 (David Mack Variant Cover), $3.99
Black Hood #3 (Francesco Francavilla Regular Cover), $3.99
Black Hood #3 (Howard Chaykin Variant Cover), $3.99
Black Hood #3 (Robert Hack Dark Circle Movie Throwback Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (Ben Bates Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (EGA Studios Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (Evan Stanley Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (Jonathan Gray Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (Lamar Wells Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (Patrick Spaziante Regular Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (Patrick Thomas Parnell Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (Tracy Yardley Variant Cover), $3.99
Sonic Universe #75 (Tyson Hesse Variant Cover), $3.99

Fathom Kiani Volume 4 #3 (Cover A Giuseppe Cafaro), $3.99
Fathom Kiani Volume 4 #3 (Cover B Alex Konat), $3.99
Fathom Kiani Volume 4 #3 (Cover C Agnes Garbowska), $4.00

God Is Dead #33 (Gardenio Lima Carnage Wraparound Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #33 (Gardenio Lima Enchanting Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #33 (Jacen Burrows Gilded Incentive Cover), AR
God Is Dead #33 (Jacen Burrows Iconic Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #33 (Jacen Burrows Regular Cover), $3.99
God Is Dead #33 (Raulo Caceres End Of Days Cover), $3.99

Voices From Krypton The Unofficial Adventures Of Superman On Film And In Comics SC, $19.95

Lady Mechanika The Tablet Of Destinies #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Joe Benitez), $3.99
Lady Mechanika The Tablet Of Destinies #1 (Of 6)(Cover B Joe Benitez & Peter Steigerwald), $3.99
Lady Mechanika The Tablet Of Destinies #1 (Of 6)(Cover C Joe Benitez), AR

Warhammer 40K Damnation Of Pythos MMPB, $9.99
Warhammer 40K Damocles TP, $16.00

Ballistic Volume 1 TP, $14.99

Bleeding Cool Magazine #16, $5.99

Bart Simpson Blastoff TP, $15.99

Adventure Time #36 (Jay Shaw 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Adventure Time #39 (Cover A George Bletsis), $3.99
Adventure Time #39 (Cover B Anna Strain), $3.99
Adventure Time #39 (Cover C Wesley Craig), AR
Clive Barker’s Nightbreed #12 (Cover A Christopher Mitten), $3.99
Curb Stomp #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Devaki Neogi), $3.99
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes #6 (Of 6)(Cover A Christopher Mitten), $3.99
Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes #6 (Of 6)(Cover B Caesar Graffiti), AR
Evil Empire Volume 1 TP, $14.99
Giant Days #1 (Lissa Treiman 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Realist HC, $24.99
Suicide Risk #24 (Cover A Elena Casagrande), $3.99

Blake And Mortimer Volume 20 The Septimus Wave GN, $15.95
IR$ Volume 6 The Black Gold War TP, $11.95
Kenya Volume 2 Encounters GN, $11.95
Lucky Luke Volume 51 The Painter TP, $11.95
Melusine Volume 1 Hocus Pocus GN, $9.99
Wisher Volume 3 Glee GN, $11.95
XIII Volume 20 The Bait GN, $11.95

Comic Shop News #1453, AR

Disappearance Of Charley Butters GN (not verified by Diamond), $15.00

Metal Locus #1 (Of 4)(Karl Waller Variant Cover)(not verified by Diamond), AR
Metal Locus #1 (Of 4)(Larry Watts Regular Cover)(not verified by Diamond), $3.99

Zombie Tramp #10 (Dan Mendoza Variant Cover), $4.99
Zombie Tramp #10 (TMChu Regular Cover), $3.99
Zombie Tramp #10 (TMChu Risque Variant Cover), $4.99

Art Of The Uncharted Trilogy HC, $39.99
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #14 (Cover A Steve Morris), $3.50
Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 10 #14 (Cover B Rebekah Isaacs), $3.50
Creepy Comics #20, $3.99
Crimnial Macabre The Third Child TP, $17.99
Frankenstein Underground #2 (Of 5), $3.50
Grindhouse Drive In Bleed Out #4 (Of 8), $3.99
Halo Escalation #17, $3.99
Mind MGMT #32, $3.99
Mister X Razed #3 (Of 4), $3.99
Strain Volume 2 The Fall HC, $29.99
Tomb Raider #15, $3.99
Witchfinder Volume 3 The Mysteries Of Unland TP, $19.99
X Volume 5 Flesh And Blood TP, $14.99

Batman ’66 #22, $2.99
Batman ’66 Volume 2 TP, $14.99
Batman ’66 Volume 3 HC, $19.99
Batman Arkham Knight #3 (Dan Panosian Regular Cover), $3.99
Batman Arkham Knight #3 (Paola Rivera Variant Cover), AR
Convergence #3 (Of 8)(Dave McKean Variant Cover), AR
Convergence #3 (Of 8)(Ivan Reis & Joe Prado Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence #3 (Of 8)(Jim Lee Aquaman Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Convergence #3 (Of 8)(Tony S. Daniel & Mark Morales Variant Cover), AR
Convergence Adventures Of Superman #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence Adventures Of Superman #1 (Of 2)(Mikel Janin Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence Batman And The Outsiders #1 (Of 2)(Andy Kubert Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence Batman And The Outsiders #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence Green Lantern Corps #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence Green Lantern Corps #1 (Of 2)(Tony Harris Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence Hawkman #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence Hawkman #1 (Of 2)(Rafael Albuquerque Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence Justice League America #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence Justice League America #1 (Of 2)(ChrisCross Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence New Teen Titans #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence New Teen Titans #1 (Of 2)(Nicola Scott Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence Superboy And The Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence Superboy And The Legion Of Super-Heroes #1 (Of 2)(Pia Guerra Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence Swamp Thing #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence Swamp Thing #1 (Of 2)(Kelley Jones Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence The Flash #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence The Flash #1 (Of 2)(Michael Allred Regular Cover), $3.99
Convergence Wonder Woman #1 (Of 2)(Chip Kidd Variant Cover), $3.99
Convergence Wonder Woman #1 (Of 2)(Joshua Middleton Regular Cover), $3.99
Effigy #4, $2.99
Justice League 3000 Volume 2 The Camelot War TP, $14.99
MAD Magazine #533, $5.99
Suiciders #3, $3.99

Scary Monsters Magazine #97, $9.95

Operation Nemesis A Story Of Genocide And Revenge GN (not verified by Diamond), $18.99

Game Trade Magazine #183 (not verified by Diamond), $3.99

Captain Ken Volume 1 GN, $13.95

Army Of Darkness Ash Gets Hitched TP (not verified by Diamond), $15.99
Chastity Volume 1 Life Death TP, $19.99
Dawn Vampirella #1 (Of 6)(Joseph Michael Linser Midtown Variant Cover)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Frank Thorne’s Red Sonja Art Edition Volume 3 HC, $150.00
Frank Thorne’s Red Sonja Art Edition Volume 3 HC (Frank Thorne Signed Edition), $300.00
Justice Inc #1 (Alex Ross Artboard Baltimore Comic Con Variant Cover)(Alex Ross Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
King Flash Gordon #3 (Of 4)(Cover A Declan Shalvey), $3.99
King Flash Gordon #3 (Of 4)(Declan Shalvey Black & White Variant Cover), AR
King Flash Gordon #3 (Of 4)(Marc Laming Black & White Variant Cover), AR
King Flash Gordon #3 (Of 4)(Marc Laming Variant Cover), AR
Lady Rawhide Lady Zorro #2 (Of 4)(Cover A Joyce Chin), $3.99
Lady Rawhide Lady Zorro #2 (Of 4)(Joyce Chin Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Legenderry Green Hornet #3 (Of 5)(Sergio Fernandez Davila Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Legenderry Red Sonja #3 (Of 5)(Cover A Sergio Fernandez Davila), $3.99
Legenderry Red Sonja #3 (Of 5)(Sergio Fernandez Davila Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Mage Wars The Nature Of The Beast SC, $12.99
Masks 2 #1 (Of 8)(Colton Worley Miss Fury Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Pathfinder Volume 3 City Of Secrets HC, $29.99
Reanimator #1 (Of 4)(Francesco Francavilla Virgin Variant Cover), AR
Red Sonja Travels Volume 2 TP, $29.99
Sherlock Holmes Vs Harry Houdini #5 (Of 5)(Cover A Aaron Campbell), $3.99
Sherlock Holmes Vs Harry Houdini #5 (Of 5)(Cover B Colton Worley), $3.99
Solar Man Of The Atom #11 (Cover A Marc Laming), $3.99
Solar Man Of The Atom #11 (Cover B Jonathan Lau), $3.99
Solar Man Of The Atom #11 (Jonathan Lau Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Solar Man Of The Atom #11 (Marc Laming Black & White Variant Cover), AR
Turok Dinosaur Hunter Volume 2 West TP, $16.99

Harvey Kurtzman Man Who Created MAD And Revolutionized Humor In America HC, $34.99

Neil Gaiman’s Instructions Paper Over Board HC, $8.99

Cartoon Introduction To Philosophy TP, $17.95

Angry Birds Comics #10 (Cover A Paco Rodriques), $3.99
Angry Birds Comics #10 (Cover SUB Ciro Cangialosi), $3.99
Best of EC Volume 2 Artist’s Edition HC, AR
Borderlands #8 (Cover A Agustin Padilla), $3.99
Borderlands #8 (Cover SUB Roberto Goiriz), $3.99
Cartoon Network All-Star Omnibus TP, $24.99
Complete Harold Gray’s Little Orphan Annie Volume 11 1943-1945 HC, $49.99
Creeple Peeple #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Tim Lattie), $3.99
Drones #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Ramon Villalobos), $3.99
Drones #1 (Of 5)(Cover SUB Bruno Oliveira), $3.99
Edward Scissorhands #7 (Cover A Charles Paul Wilson), $3.99
Edward Scissorhands #7 (Cover SUB Drew Rausch), $3.99
Empire Uprising #1 (Cover A Barry Kitson), $3.99
Empire Uprising #1 (Cover SUB Barry Kitson), $3.99
Fly Outbreak #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Menton J. Matthews III), $3.99
Fly Outbreak #2 (Of 5)(Cover SUB Damien Worm), $3.99
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #213 (Cover A S. L. Gallant), $3.99
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #213 (Cover RI Larry Hama), AR
G.I. JOE A Real American Hero #213 (Cover SUB Antonio Fuso), $3.99
Galaxy Quest The Journey Continues #4 (Of 4)(Cover A Nacho Arranz), $3.99
Galaxy Quest The Journey Continues #4 (Of 4)(Cover SUB Vincent Riley), $3.99
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth #23 (Cover A Matt Frank), $3.99
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth #23 (Cover SUB Jeff Zornow), $3.99
Infinite Loop #1 (Of 6)(Cover A Elsa Charretier), $3.99
Infinite Loop #1 (Of 6)(Cover SUB Stephanie Hans), $3.99
Littlest Pet Shop Spring Cleaning #1 (One Shot)(Cover A Nicanor Pena), $7.99
Littlest Pet Shop Spring Cleaning #1 (One Shot)(Cover SUB Nicanor Pena), $7.99
Maxx Maxximized #18 (Cover A Sam Kieth), $3.99
Maxx Maxximized #18 (Cover SUB Sam Kieth), $3.99
Miami Vice Remix #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Jim Mahfood), $3.99
My Little Pony Fiendship Is Magic #4 (Of 5)(Nightmare Moon)(Cover A Amy Mebberson), $3.99
My Little Pony Fiendship Is Magic #4 (Of 5)(Nightmare Moon)(Cover SUB Sara Richard), $3.99
Popeye Classics #33 (Cover A Bud Sagendorf), $3.99
Popeye Classics #33 (Cover RI Nate Bear), AR
Powerpuff Girls Super Smash-Up #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Derek Charm), $3.99
Powerpuff Girls Super Smash-Up #4 (Of 6)(Cover SUB Nneka Myers), $3.99
Robert Heinlein’s Citizen Of The Galaxy #3 (Of 3)(Cover A Eric Gignac), $3.99
Rot And Ruin Warrior Smart TP, $19.99
Samurai Jack #18 (Cover A Andy Suriano), $3.99
Samurai Jack #18 (Cover SUB Tony Fleecs), $3.99
Skylanders #8 (Cover A Fico Ossio), $3.99
Skylanders #8 (Cover SUB Mike Bowden), $3.99
Starling Volume 1 Ashley Wood HC, $17.99
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Color Classics Volume 3 #4 (Cover A A. C. Farley), $3.99
Transformers Classics Volume 8 TP, $29.99
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #2 (Cover A Casey W. Coller), $3.99
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #2 (Cover RI Hasbro Combiner Wars Poster), AR
Transformers Windblade Combiner Wars #2 (Cover SUB Livio Ramondelli), $3.99
Uncle Scrooge #1 (Blank Sketch Cover), AR
Uncle Scrooge #1 (Cover A Giorgio Cavazzano), $3.99
Uncle Scrooge #1 (Cover RI Andrew Pepoy), AR
Uncle Scrooge #1 (Cover SUB Derek Charm), $3.99
Wild Blue Yonder HC, $29.99
Winterworld The Stranded Volume 2 TP, $17.99
Wormwood Gentleman Corpse The First Few Pints HC, $49.99
X-Files Season 10 Volume 4 HC, $24.99
Zombies Vs Robots #4 (Cover A Ashley Wood), $3.99
Zombies Vs Robots #4 (Cover SUB James Stokoe), $3.99

Chew #48, $2.99
Chrononauts #1 (Sean Murphy 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.50
Criminal Volume 4 Bad Night TP, $14.99
Deadly Class #12 (Cover A Wesley Craig), $3.50
Deadly Class #12 (Cover B Jerome Opena), $3.50
Empty #3, $3.50
Intersect #6 (Cover A Ray Fawkes), $3.50
Intersect #6 (Cover B Chip Zdarsky), $3.50
Invisible Republic #2, $2.99
Kaptara #1, $3.50
Lazarus #16, $3.50
Manifest Destiny #14, $2.99
MPH TP, $14.99
Postal #3 (Cover A Linda Sejic), $3.99
Postal #3 (Cover B Isaac Goodhart), $3.99
Satellite Sam #13, $3.50
Thrilling Adventure Hour Presents Beyond Belief #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Phil Hester), $3.50
Thrilling Adventure Hour Presents Beyond Belief #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Annie Wu), $3.50
Thrilling Adventure Hour Presents Beyond Belief #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Cast Photo), $3.50
Velvet #10, $3.50

Disney’s 101 Dalmations The Cinestory TP, $14.99
Disneys Phineas And Ferb Comics Blowout TP, $14.99

Let’s Dance A Waltz Volume 1 GN, $10.99
Your Lie In April Volume 1 GN, $10.99

Town Called Dragon Volume 1 TP, $14.99

Locus #651, $7.50

Adventures Of Basil And Moebius HC, $19.99

All-New Captain America #1 (John Romita Sr. Gold Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
All-New X-Men #40, $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #17.1 (Arthur Adams Regular Cover), $3.99
Amazing Spider-Man #17.1 (Gabriele Dell’Otto Variant Cover), AR
Amazing X-Men #19, $3.99
Avengers And X-Men Axis #1 (Of 9)(Adam Kubert Variant Cover)(John Romita Jr. Gold Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Avengers Magazine #1 (Jack Kirby Cover), $9.99
Avengers Magazine #1 (Movie Cover), $9.99
Avengers Millennium #4 (Of 4), $3.99
Avengers Operation Hydra #1 (Jack Kirby Classic Variant Cover), $3.99
Avengers Operation Hydra #1 (Michael Ryan Regular Cover), $3.99
Avengers World #20, $3.99
Black Widow #17, $3.99
Guardians Of The Galaxy #26 (Mitch Gerads WTD Variant Cover), AR
Guardians Of The Galaxy #26 (Tom Raney Avengers Variant Cover), AR
Guardians Of The Galaxy #26 (Valerio Schiti Regular Cover), $3.99
Guardians Of The Galaxy And X-Men The Black Vortex Omega #1 (Alexander Lozano Connecting Variant Cover B), AR
Guardians Of The Galaxy And X-Men The Black Vortex Omega #1 (Andrea Sorrentino Cosmically Enhanced Variant Cover), AR
Guardians Of The Galaxy And X-Men The Black Vortex Omega #1 (Ed McGuinness Regular Cover), $4.99
Howard The Duck #1 (Joe Quinones 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Hulk #15, $3.99
Hulk Future Imperfect TP (New Printing), $19.99
Inhuman Special #1 (Adam Kubert Connecting Variant Cover B), AR
Inhuman Special #1 (James Campbell Regular Cover), $4.99
Loki Agent Of Asgard Volume 2 I Cannot Tell A Lie TP, $17.99
Marvel Superheros Secret Wars Activity Book Facsimile Collection TP (not verified by Diamond), 24.99
Marvel Universe Guardians Of The Galaxy #3 (Of 4), $2.99
Princess Leia #1 (Of 5)(Terry Dodson 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Silk #2 (Dave Johnson 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Spider-Gwen #2 (Javier Rodriguez 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99
Spider-Man The Complete Alien Costume Saga Volume 2 TP, $44.99
Star Wars #1 (Alex Ross Variant Cover)(Alex Ross Signed Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Star Wars #1 (Alex Ross Variant Cover)(Alex Ross Silver Signature Edition)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Star Wars #1 (Ken Haeser Remarked Edition With Jango Fett Sketch)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Star Wars #4 (Giuseppe Camuncoli Variant Cover), AR
Star Wars #4 (John Cassaday Regular Cover), $3.99
Star Wars #4 (John Cassaday Sketch Variant Cover), AR
Star Wars #4 (John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant Cover), AR
Superior Iron Man Volume 1 Infamous HC (Premiere Edition), $24.99
True Believers Armor Wars #1, $1.00
True Believers Infinity Gauntlet #1, $1.00
Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #4, $3.99
Vision Yesterday And Tomorrow TP (New Printing), $19.99
Wolverines #1 (Ken Haeser Remarked Edition With Sabretooth Full Color Sketch)(Dynamic Forces), AR
Wolverines #15, $3.99
Wolverines Volume 1 Dancing With The Devil TP, $15.99

Day Of The Destroyers Jamie Flint Agent X-11 Must Save America Novel HC, $23.99

Cosplay Basics A Beginner’s Guide To The Art Of Costume Play GN (not verified by Diamond), $18.95

Life After #9, $3.99
Scott Pilgrim Color Edition Volume 6 Scott Pilgrim’s Finest Hour HC, $24.99
Sixth Gun Gunslinger Edition Volume 2 HC, $79.99
Terrible Lizard Volume 1 TP, $19.99

Separators #5, $3.99

Doctor Who The Essential Guide #4 (The Master), $19.99

Thrilling Adventures Of Lovelace And Babbage HC, $28.95

2000 AD Pack March 2015 (1920-1923), $21.40

Ultimate Spider-Man Magazine #3, $4.99

Henchmen I Henchbot #4 (Of 6)(not verified by Diamond), $3.50

MAD’s Greatest Writers Frank Jacobs Five Decades Of His Greatest Works HC (not verified by Diamond), $30.00

Scream Magazine #29 (not verified by Diamond), $8.99

Room For Love HC, $22.95

12 Beast Volume 1 GN, $12.99
Clay Lord Masters Of Golems Volume 1 GN, $12.99

World’s Greatest First Love Volume 2 GN (not verified by Diamond), $12.99

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