Exclusive Preview: ‘Green Lantern #23.3: Black Hand’

Green Lantern has a lot of enemies, but none quite so dangerous as the Black Hand. But how did he become what he is, a man fueled by, quite literally, death?

Interestingly, Charles Soule doesn’t pick this story up where most would; if you’ve been following Green Lantern, you know that Black Hand has been out of circulation for a while, largely thanks to that whole “worshiping death” thing that got him, and the entire DCU, into so much trouble with zombies a while back.

That said, it’s good to have Black Hand back. The character started out as a fairly goofy Silver Age villain with what was actually a smart idea and has since become one of the creepier and more threatening villains in the DCU. Not to mention one of the more dangerous, as this preview shows…