People Are Making Some Priceless Predictions About Trump’s State Of The Union Address

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Donald Trump will deliver his second State of the Union address as president of the United States on Tuesday evening to a joint session of Congress, after nearly being declined of the opportunity in the midst of the 35-day-long government shutdown that finally ended late last month. The speech, which will be presided over by newly-reappointed Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, will more than likely be a politically charged one — despite claims from the White House that Trump plans to call for unity.

Whereas Trump promised to extend an open hand to work with members of both parties in last year’s address, he later also accused Democrats of “treason” for not clapping hard enough. And this year, he’s already on the attack before the thing has even started. Earlier on Tuesday, the president lashed out at Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Twitter.

“I see Schumer is already criticizing my State of the Union speech, even though he hasn’t seen it yet,” Trump fired off during his leisurely morning Executive Time. “He’s just upset that he didn’t win the Senate, after spending a fortune, like he thought he would. Too bad we weren’t given more credit for the Senate win by the media!”

There’s probably a decent chance his remarks will become a recurring theme in Tuesday night’s affair, but people are also coming up with other jokey predictions about what Trump’s speech may entail on Twitter, as you can see below.

Meanwhile, Stacey Abrams, who narrowly lost the Georgia gubernatorial bid in last fall’s midterm elections, will deliver the Democrat counter-response to Trump’s message following the State of the Union address, making history as the first Black woman to do so. Just in case anyone might prefer to skip ahead over the president’s remarks.