‘Westworld’ Fans Are Shaking Their Heads In Confusion After The Season 2 Premiere


Westworld‘s season two premiere has left most HBO viewers in a daze, wondering what exactly it was that they just saw. Most are aware they bore witness to an astonishing amount of butchery to both hosts and humans, but beyond that, everything is up in the air. What timeline are we in? Why doesn’t Bernard understand what’s going on? Westworld is an island? And how are all the hosts able to shoot proper, live ammunition now?

Very few fans seem to have any semblance of an understanding of what’s going on in HBO’s latest megahit, and maybe that’s how they want it. The unfolding mystery that seems to pick up days after season one left off has gained significant, cloudy layers of confusion, and people are obviously tweeting about it.

The below tweets are a solid representation of Westworld‘s fans after the season two premiere. The vast majority are thrilled the dusty tale of artificial intelligence rising up and becoming aware is back, others are just happy to have another piece of HBO peak TV to dive into, and some are just equally excited and confused. All seem satisfied.




And now here’s a collection of .gifs of people working out math equations illustrating their confusion over what we just saw:
