Drop What You’re Doing: We’ve Got Video Of A Piglet In A Sundress Cuddling With A Kitten

We are a generally unhappy people. The World Happiness Report has shown these awful facts by utilizing science and math to measure tears that likely taste both salty and delicious. But every once in a while, something happens that can stop our hustle and bustle, dim our screens, block out the white noise, and keep our record-low attention spans fixed on an image that is nothing but love. Nothing but perfection. Nothing but a friggin’ piglet wearing a sundress while it snuggles with a tiny kitten.

Brace yourself: this is one of those times.

As the specter of a presidential election hangs over us, tearing friends and family apart at the dinner table with a deep-seeded inability to come together on the issues that affect our society, this little piggy and kitty cat prove that we are all one. We are warm, we wear sundresses, and when it comes down to it – we all just want to snuggle.

Look to the pig and cat, people. For they oink and purr truth to power. With each grunt of affection, they toss aside preconceived notions of pig and cat relations in 2016. They are in this situation, it is real, and now they will fall asleep together in each other’s arms.

(Via Reddit)