Watch This 100-Year-Old Grandma Win At Beer Pong And Prove That You’re Only As Old As You Feel

The old adage goes that “youth is wasted on the young.” Our elders know they are far better at getting the most out of life than their children or grandchildren, and nothing proves that more than the coolest grandmother of all time stepping up to the table and sinking a beer pong cup on her 100th birthday, wearing a snazzy sash and everything. Of all the crazy 100th birthday plans to have (skydiving, running away to Asia on a weeks-long vacation, spending all day in bed watching all six Police Academy movies) beating young people at a game of beer pong is quickly rocketing to the top of the list.

This grandma even goes one step further and celebrates the made shot like it was the best thing that has ever happened to her. Coming from somebody who can’t make the last cup in a beer pong game to save her life, this lady’s excitement is completely warranted and is a great way to rub in to all of her family that not only did she make it to the century mark, but she can also crush them in a fraternity game that wasn’t even invented when she was born. The video cuts off before we can know for certain, but it certainly seems as if she is then also about to take a shot straight from the bottle. Long necks down, grandma. Keep living as well as the rest of us hope to.

(Via Tastefully Offensive)