Find Your ID Card Because Chipotle Is Giving Away Free Drinks To Students For A Month

Chipotle Mexican Grill Inc. To Go Orders Ahead Of Earnings Figures
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Chipotle has repeatedly proven they’re willing to do just about anything to regain their throne as America’s most desired and cultish fast food eatery. They’ve tried giving away free burritos, they’ve announced a burger joint, they’ve created a brand new loyalty program, and they’ve even publicized a semi-secretive kids menu. But still the chain is still struggling to bounce back.

Execs at Chipotle have decided to launch a new initiative they hope will draw in lost customers — free drinks. But not just for anyone. Chipotle announced today that they will be giving away free fountain drinks to high school and college students who purchase an entree throughout the entire month of September. Students will need to possess a valid school ID in order to take advantage of the promotion which applies to fountain drinks and iced tea, but not bottled beverages. The offer is available to undergraduate and graduate students alike! So, pour it up because that’s how we ball out.

According to Chipotle’s communications director Chris Arnold, going back to school can be a serious drag, and “We’re filling – and refilling – students’ cups at all Chipotle locations to celebrate the beginning of the new academic year.” He sounds like a nice man, eager to give away some sugar water. Meals that include free student drinks will also be counted toward the newly established “Chiptopia” loyalty program.

While we pity the transparent desperation oozing from Chipotle’s grills, we also thoroughly enjoy most free things. If you’re looking for us, we’ll be dusting off our old college ID cards and carefully scratching off the expiration date.

(Via Time)