There’s Convincing Evidence That A New Florence And The Machine Album Will Be Out This Year

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The rumored new Florence And The Machine that’s expected in 2018 has been a sort of open secret for months now: Welch talked about it last May, and her 2018 festival appearances only added fuel to the fire. Now, however, there’s more concrete evidence that the anticipated follow-up to 2015’s How Big, How Blue, How Beautiful is on its way soon: It hasn’t been formally announced yet, but the head of her record label is talking about it.

In a new interview posted on the Virgin Records website, CEO Ted Cockle was asked about the albums he’s most excited about in 2018, and he responded, “We are looking forward to great new music from Florence + The Machine, Blossoms, Chvrches, James Bay, and Shawn Mendes, as well as being the home for fresh US hip-hop talent like Migos and the UK music frontline with the likes of Krept + Konan, MoStack, and Hardy Caprio, amongst so much more.”

Composer and producer Sally Herbert also notes on her website that she has completed string arrangements on the upcoming album. Aside from this and the aforementioned tidbits, news about Florence And The Machine’s next album has been sparse, although we know it will probably be a personal record: Welch said last year that the album will explore the “black hole” she fell into following some drama in her personal life.

Revisit our list of anticipated albums for 2018 here to see what other upcoming records there are to look forward to this year.