The New ‘Game Of Thrones’ Images Include An Important First For Daenerys Targaryen

With just over a month until Game of Thrones (finally) returns, HBO has been releasing new batches of season seven photos this week. There’s not much we haven’t seen before — Jon Snow is still scowling, Bran is still chilling in the snow, Cersei and Jamie Lannister are still plotting, etc. — with a few exceptions. The latest round of images includes our first season seven look at Beric Dondarrion, who appears to have arrived in the North, and an even more important first: the first time Daenerys Targaryen sets foot on Westeros. (Not the first time ever, of course, but the first time in the series.)

It’s an important moment in the show’s history we knew was coming (previous stills and teasers showed the Mother of Dragons on her makeshift throne in Dragonstone), but now it’s finally happening. Daenerys and her dragons can “take back what was stolen from me and destroy those who wronged me.” No wonder she takes a second to process arriving on shore.

“Right now, I’m sort of feeling… optimistic,” Clarke told the Belfast Telegraph about Daenerys in season seven. “She’ll probably need some help, though. I’ll definitely be disappointed if she doesn’t make it. I think that there was always that idea that she would know where she was going to, but the reality is frightening. I mean, I always believed that Dany had the highest of hopes for what kind of impact she could leave on this world. She is continuously reaching for purest level of rulership — is that a word? I just made it up.”

It’s a word, but even if it wasn’t, who’s going to question Ms. All Men Must Die? Not when she’s flanked by dragons the size of flippin’ 747s.

More images can be found at Winter Is Coming.

(Via Winter Is Coming)