What’s on Tonight: Craigslist Killer!


The Craigslist Killer (Lifetime) — If there are women getting murdered, you can bet that Lifetime will make a movie about it. Based on a book about real-life “Craigslist Killer” Phillip Markoff, this stars some people you haven’t heard of plus William Baldwin as the lead detective on the case. Ooh, star power!

The Bachelor (ABC) — Season premiere. Bachelor Brad Womack gets a second chance at his choice of 30 white women. Essential viewing for stupid women.

American Experience: Robert E. Lee (PBS) — Finally, someone made a documentary that talks about the Civil War.

Hoarders (A&E) — A woman keeps 500 chickens in her home. I can’t even imagine that. In my last apartment, someone nearby kept a rooster that would crow at all hours of the day — it nearly drove me insane. If someone living near me had 500 chickens I would burn the place down without thinking twice about it.

The Closer (TNT) — Season finale. Kyra Sedgwick does something, I don’t know.

Castle (ABC) — Laura Prepon guest stars as the actress who plays Becket in the fictional movie made from Castle’s fictional book about Becket’s fictionalized life. *BRAAAAAAHHHMMM* My head just imploded.