‘Talking Funny’ Looks Promising

Here’s one for the comedy geeks: Ricky Gervais sat down and talked about comedy with Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, and Louis C.K., and the resulting conversation will be aired on HBO April 22nd as a one-hour special called “Talking Funny.”

I’ve got a couple preview clips below, and even though they’re short, they effectively give me a big ol’ comedy boner. It’s not often you get to see four giants of stand-up talk about their craft like this. I mean, sure, my personal preference would be to see Dave Chappelle sitting in Seinfeld’s chair, but I’m not THAT finicky about such an impressive lineup. The last person I want to sound like is the music snob who quibbles with the Coachella lineup. Even though the Strokes are unbelievably boring live and have no business co-headlining with Kanye and Arcade Fire and Kings of Leon.

Aw crap.


[via City of Lights and HuffPo]