Corgi Friday’s Workin’ For the Weekend

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The last couple Corgi Fridays have had very specific themes (NFL, boats) or purposes (R.I.P.), and I’ve got some more themed Corgi Fridays coming up in the hopper, so this week’s corgis are just a grab-bag of cool pups that have been chillin’ on the Internet, plus some original Photoshops from yours truly. I’ll be honest: I like blogging about TV, and I think I’m okay at it, but my real passion is Photoshopping corgis. It’s my calling.
Enjoy. If you need me, I’ll be taking a nap on the couch and dreaming about corgi viking ships.

A note about sourcing: I always try to credit the original source whenever possible, but a lot of these pictures come by way of the amazing Tumblr bunnyfood. If you’re on Tumblr, you absolutely must follow her.
(source: flickr)
Does anyone else see the resemblance. Just me?
(source: corgisinspiredbycorgis)
See? I told you.
I heard you like dogs, etc.
(Original image at Poopster here, with the back cover of the book here. Right now, Pudge is wearing the cone of shame. Poor guy.)
I love photos like these. It’s always nice to see corgis socializing with other cute breeds.
(via browndresswhitedots)