Corgi Friday: Fun in the Sun!

I hate the winter. I hate the cold, I hate the snow, I hate that it gets dark by 5 p.m., I hate ALL OF IT. If human beings were really as smart as we like to think we are, we would take a cue from the animal kingdom and hibernate through the whole damn thing. I’ve actually advocated such a plan. It’s a fairly simple process that involves moving the start of football season up six weeks, playing the BCS title game and the Super Bowl back-to-back on New Year’s Day, then closing up shop and hunkering down in your house until late March. Other than that, it’s just a matter of shuffling some holidays: Valentine’s Day is a scam and therefore will be abolished entirely, St. Patrick’s Day will be moved to May 5th and combined with Cinco de Mayo into one hyper-efficient multiethnic debacle, and we’ll move Black History Month from February to a warmer, full-length month like July. See how easy that was? You’re welcome.
Anyway, as if winter wasn’t horrible and depressing enough on its own, I just looked at the weather and saw that my area is expecting a couple inches of snow and ice over the weekend. UGGHHHHHHHH. I need cheering up, PRONTO. And what better way to do that than a gallery full of corgis at the beach, wearing sunglasses, and frolicking in the sun? If I can’t enjoy the comforts of summer in real life, I can at least live vicariously through these adorable little furballs. So crank your thermostat to 85, mix up some umbrella drinks, and enjoy this fun in the sun edition of Corgi Friday.
(Full disclosure: Most of the pictures in this post were already featured in Matt’s beach-themed Corgi Friday from last summer. In general, I try very hard to not to recycle content for these posts, but desperate times call for desperate measures. To quote a wise U.S. Marshal, “It was justified.”)