TV GIFs of the Week

There’s no reason why you need an introduction to “GIFs of the Week” every Monday, other than I need something to fill up the space beneath the banner image. You guys are s-m-r-t; you don’t need me to tell you that when you click “Read the rest of this entry,” you’re going to see GIFs, from TV shows, from the last seven days. So, um, whatcha guys wanna talk about? Anyone catch Pro Bowl fever? I went to my cousin’s bat mitzvah over the weekend, and…actually, that’s about it. We ate bagels. True story.

/wipes flop sweat from brow

ANYWAYS. Here are our favorite GIFs of the (last) week.






RIP Ian Abercrombie, a.k.a. Mr. Pitt from “Seinfeld”



I want to rub Patrick Stewart’s head for good luck.







For the 11 “Chuck” fans out there.

And for us the rest of us.

(Via) (Via)