Corgi Friday: Happy Valentine’s Day

Image via MyCorgi

Valentine’s Day is coming up next week. While many people will celebrate it by spending time with someone they’re deeply in love with, for others, it can be kind of a weird day. It can serve as a painful reminder that you haven’t found a soul mate yet, or that you did, but the relationship fell apart for one reason or another. That can be tough, and it’s not like it’s super easy to avoid. Commercials, TV shows, advertisements, displays, and marathons of saccharine, lovey-dovey movies are shoved in your face in the days leading up to February 14th. Sometimes it feels like the only way to deal with it is to go full “sad lady in a rom-com” and hide out in your apartment in your sweatpants, eating ice cream out straight out of the container and watching whatever dumb police procedural or lawyer show you can to get your mind off of it all for an hour at a time.

If any of that last paragraph describes you this week, I’d like to pass along this advice: eff that. Life is too short and cool to sit around feeling bad for yourselves, especially over an artificial holiday created to drive flower and teddy bear sales. Get out, enjoy life, do things. THERE’S BEAUTY IN THE WORLD, Y’ALL. Find it! And if you make a legitimate, good faith effort to take the day by the goddamn horns and you still end up feeling a little sad and alone on Valentine’s Day, allow me to relay this message in the form of a corgi butt from all of us at Uproxx.


Corgi butt via The Daily Corgi