This Supercut of Kenny Powers Insults is a Very Fitting Tribute

Between the much-discussed premiere of “Girls” and an amazing episode of “Mad Men” (more on that later), not to mention the always excellent “Game of Thrones” and a notable gag on “The Simpsons,” last night was a busy night of television. Somewhat lost amid this embarrassment of riches was the fact that “Eastbound & Bound” aired its series finale. I won’t get into all the spoiler-y details, but I will say this: I am going to miss Kenny Powers. In three seasons and only 21 episodes — just over 10 hours of total screen time — he burrowed his way into my brain in a way few other television characters have. He burned fast and bright, then vanished, and we are all better for it. Leave ’em wanting more, and all that.

As a tribute to the honorable Mr. F’n Powers, the heroes at Vulture put together a supercut of some of his greatest insults and put-downs from the show’s run. It’s as delightful as it is wildly unsafe for work, and serves as conclusive proof that the man could spin a phrase, if not a curveball. My personal favorites are the ones that begin with “I’ll be honest with you,” or “Let’s face it,” but you are certainly free to disagree with me on this, especially if your counterargument involves calling me a “strange Mexican Grimace” or just repeating the word butthole.

Anyway, if you’ve got two minutes and some headphones, I highly recommend this tribute. Vaya con dios, La Flama Blanca.