Zooey Deschanel and Rashida Jones Had Very Awkward Teenage Phases

The good folks over at Buzzfeed dug up the above photo of Zooey Deschanel (left) and Rashida Jones (right) during their teenage years.

I love it for all the right reasons: Because any teenager going through their awkward, zit-and-braces phase right now could look to this image and compare it to this and this and delude themselves into believing that they, too, could grow up to be totally hot, famous television actresses. (Having famous parents — Rashida Jones’ Dad is Quincy Jones and Zooey’s Mom is “Twin Peaks’ Mary Joe Weird — doesn’t hurt.)

So, pimply girl with the flat-chest, oily skin, and mouthful of orthodontics, hang this picture up on your mirror and take solace in the fact that, though you’ll probably never look as pretty as they do now, at least you probably don’t look a bad as they did then.